21" Turbine Wheel and Winter Tire Package

  • Sale
  • Regular price $6,000.00

This item can only be shipped to a Service Center location.

Tesla PN: 

VIN < P50900: 1053318-00-B (Silver)
VIN > P50900: 1053352-00-B (Silver)
VIN < P50900: 1053319-00-B (Grey)

VIN > P50900: 1053327-00-B (Grey)

Outfit your Model S with 21" Turbine Tesla wheels and Pirelli winter-rated tires for the icy months ahead. Initial assembly and installation are included in the price. 

Should you need to purchase an individual wheel or tire, please contact your closestTesla Service Center.

This package includes:

·         (4) 21X8.5J Turbine wheels
·         (4) 245/35/21- Pirelli Sottozero 3 tires
·         (4) Tire pressure sensors
·         (4) Tesla logo wheel caps

*Lug nuts and lug nut covers sold separately*


Price includes complimentary standard shipping and installation. Non-refundable once installed or received by customer. 

In the notes section of your order, please specify the Service Center where you would like to have the wheels installed. The wheel set will be shipped to the requested service location. Customers will be contacted by the Service Center to schedule an installation appointment.

 For Tesla customers outside the North America, please contact your nearest Service Center to confirm pricing and availability.

 Note: Due to storage space limitations, Tesla Motors Service Centers will not be able to store wheel and tire packages.  The wheel and tire packages should be picked up from your local Service Center if an installation appointment is not scheduled shortly after the order is placed.  Thank you for your understanding.